Czech Technical University in Prague

The Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU) is one of the largest and oldest technical universities in Europe. According to Methodology 2017+, it is the highest-rated in the group of Czech technical universities.
Currently, CTU has eight faculties: Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Nuclear Science and Physical Engineering, Architecture, Transportation Sciences, Biomedical Engineering, and Information Technology. Over 19,000 students are studying at CTU in academic year 2023/2024.
There are 502 accredited study programmes (bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral) in Czech language and 352 in English at CTU. CTU educates experts in the field of technology, and also scientists and managers with knowledge of foreign languages, who are dynamic, flexible and able to adapt quickly to market requirements.

According to the results of Methodology 2017+, CTU was evaluated in a group of five technical universities, and received the highest rating of grade A.


Czech AM Chapter (CZ ACM)

Czech AM Chapter (CZ ACM) was charted on September 1st, 1992. The seat of the Czech ACM Chapter is in Prague and point of action of the Chapter is over the whole Czech Republic. The Chapter is organized and is operated exclusively for educational and scientific purposes.

ACM, the world’s largest educational and scientific computing society, delivers resources that advance computing as a science and a profession. ACM provides the computing field’s premier Digital Library and serves its members and the computing profession with leading-edge publications, conferences, and career resources.

We aim:

  • To promote an increased knowledge of and greater interest in the science, design, development, construction, languages, management and applications of modern computing.
  • To provide a means of communication between persons having an interest in computing.

Czech ACM Chapter is based on the principles and purposes of ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) and it will respect the bylaws of ACM.

This Chapter serves persons who live or work in Czech Republic